Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rush- Clockwork Angels

After a five year hiatus from studio recording, rock legends Rush return with the June 12, 2012 release of "Clock Work Angels". Lead guitarist Alex Lifeson, bass and vocalist Geddy Lee, and drummer/lyricist Neil Peart take a whole new approach to the futuristic rock that they represent and add a heavy metal mood to it. The first track of the album, Caravan, sets the whole mood for the album with the lyrics “I can’t stop thinking big,” showing Rush’s constant evolution through the genre of rock. Songs like “The Wreckers” and “The Anarchist” bring listeners back to the classic feel of their early hits “Tom Sawyer” and “2112”, while “Headlong Flight” and “Clockwork Angels,” provides a whole new style to the 2010 Legends of Live winners.

Neil Peart's lyrics are brilliant, all dealing in how a man follows his dreams. The instrumental aspects of the album are genius, with everyone clicking together and forming a singular sound instead of a battle between instruments for control.

 “Clockwork Angels” hit the Billboard 200 at number two, matching their previous billboard record, and shows that Rush’s new style of rock is definitely worth checking out.

To see Headlong Flight Click Here:

To see Tom Sawyer Click Here:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Luedtke Feature Story

Dried Up: Nebraska drought affects businesses both positively and negatively By: Connor Luedtke A heat wave has invaded the Nebraska area, and many citizens of Lincoln are staying inside to beat the heat. Although they receive comfort, many outdoor-dependant industries are having mixed feelings about the drought. “Tires tend to go out a lot in the summer, and this year is much worse than last,” said Abe Jwad, owner of Discount Tires. The area in a city that gets hottest is the road, and the traction of the tire creates heat when it hits the concrete. The air in the tire heats up and theresult is a blowout. “Although nobody likes having a blown tire, especially in this heat, it really helps out business,” Jwad said. Although the tire business is doing well, other automobile industries can’t say the same. Dave Lewis, manager of B&D Auto Sales, has experienced a sudden decrease in car sales. “The cars are getting so hot that no one wants to sit in them, and everyone just stays home to keep cool,” Lewis said. Up to $2000 dollars damage can be caused by the heat to cars. “Usage also increases the risk of breaking your radiator, especially in this heat,” said Lewis. Radiator breakage poses a negative effect on the vehicle’s owner, but can help out other industries. “The radiators and air conditioners of passenger cars are constantly breaking down. I haven’t seen many farmers in, so they’re probably just sitting out this season, knowing that they can’t grow much,” said Kirk Beute, owner of Dean’s NE Drive Shaft and Radiator. Most radiators are made of aluminum and plastic. They will clog up with dirt and debris from trees and stop air flow. Then the plastic tanks will crack and leak radiator fluid, resulting in a major internal overheat with up to $800 damage. “One common misconception is that vehicle air conditioners will cool down your car as long as it works, but it really only cools down a car to about 20 degrees cooler,” Beute said. Air conditioning units and radiators are two main components of a vehicle to break down due to heat, but there are many more. “I’ve noticed a lot of people coming in with broken batteries, transmissions, and cooling systems thanks to the heat,” said Randy Forman, Goodyear salesman. Constant driving can cause many systems in your car to overheat. “The only other problem that I’ve found distinctive is that the heat tends to make batteries drain quicker,” said Forman Not only are the air conditioners unreliable in cars, but also in homes and restaurants. “Personally, my own radiator overheated, and Burger King’s air conditioner broke, leaving temperatures of over 100 degrees,” said Adam Cohen, manager of Burger King. Fast food restaurants are doing particularly well due to the heat. “One out of every three customers asks for a frozen drink, and we sold out our frozen lemonades, which debuted a week ago,” said Cohen Some government vehicles aren’t suffering from the same problems as regular passenger cars, but not because of fancy upgrades. “The Postal Service vehicles don’t have air conditioning in them, so they break down a lot less, but I normally choose to walk, even in this week,” said Larry Warner, postal worker. Mail trucks are usually stripped of special comforts and are a basic vehicle for driving. “The only problem I’ve heard about with the Postal vehicles is that the gas overheats and doesn’t work properly. I have my car checked monthly to avoid having a lot of the problems people are experiencing now with their vehicles,” said Warner. “This is definitely a worse summer compared to last year, but it’s better for business,” said Jwad of Discount Tires. Many businesses are experiencing the ups and downs of harsh weather. The constant change in business proves that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Cyber Bullying in Colleges May be Easier

Delaware lawmakers have just passed a bill prohibiting colleges from requiring students to “friend” them on social media and demanding students’ passwords to websites such as facebook and twitter. One can look at this situation as keeping college’s from getting too needy, but the reason college’s have social media rules is the truly scary aspect of this story. Cyber bullying is a huge concern that affects hundreds of students, some to the point of suicide, and even colleges realize how common it is for people to hide behind their computer screens and hack away at others social welfare. And although many believe that the universities are being too restrictive with this policy, they maintain a good point on why they require access to social media. In a Cyber Bullying Research Center poll of approximately 2,000 randomly selected students, about 20% say they heavily considered suicide, and another 19% attempted to end their lives after being victims of cyber bullying. The electronic harassment that is cyber bullying is usually carried out by children, and a preferred form of bullying due to an electronic curtain the bully can hide behind. The rapid growth and expansion of electronics have made cyber bullying even easier to get away with. Laptops and smartphones allow for constant communication with others far away from you. Many employers look at a social media page before they hire you to evaluate the kind of person they’re hiring, colleges are trying to do the same thing, but are being frowned upon and banned from this practice. If a bullies facebook page can be viewed over and censored for violent and harm-intended material, then we would still have many lives with us that could have been spared instead of taken away out of depression.

The Godfather Review

Few films are able to make an impact on an audience, and even fewer of those are nationally known as some of the greatest films. Francis Ford Coppala and Mario Puzo's "The Godfather" is an icon in the movie industry. A movie can't be that bad if it ranks number two on IMBd's top 250 movies. "The Godfather" is a movie released in 1972 by Francis Ford Coppala, adapted from Mario Puzo's book of the same title. Starring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, and Robert Dubvall, the crime/drama film of the century defines the layout of the mafia, and the ironic importance of family in crime. The film begins with an introduction to our main character and crime boss, Don Vito Corleone (Brando). Brando does an excellent job of making Vito a hero, but at the same time emphasizing the fact that he is a crime lord and that he doesn't always follow the law. But the role of main character often switches around in the movie, a definitive part of this cinema masterpiece. One of Vito's sons, Michael Corleone (Pacino), is the only member of the Corleone family to avoid the family business and join the army. However when he returns, a sudden rise in violence between the crime families in New York forces him to make the decision between staying on the right side of the law, or protecting his family honor by taking control of the Corleone family. "The Godfather" hosts many classic scenes that have parodied and honored continuously. Vito's assistant and adopted son, Tom Hagan (Duvall) must visit a movie director by the name of Jack Woltz (John Marley), when Woltz refuses the demands made by the Corleone family, he wakes up with his prized horse's head in bed with him. Many animal rights activists were outraged with this scene, but others found it amusing and Woltz' reaction priceless. Another beautiful scene, and perhaps the most important to the plot is when Michael and his girlfriend Kay Adams (Diane Keaton), meet up after a long time of separation on a cold Autumn day. They walk along a rode and the dialogue and camera angles are beautiful. Michael makes a sudden change in character, and genuinely suprised audience members. The music by Nino Rota is quite memorable with the beautiful hits "Speak Softly Love," and "The Godfather Waltz". From its acting to its plot to its music, "The Godfather," has all bases covered and is a prime example of cinematography at its finest.

The Second Day

Overall, I loved the second day of Journalism camp. Duane started the day off talking about dividing a newspaper into different "beats". Although this wasn't the most interesting topic we talked about, it was probably the most important.It is a problem that most people newspapers struggle with, so I was glad that we talked about this. I absolutely loved the afternoon. Mr.Roberson turned us loose to work on our stories and I found some really good citizens to interview. They were all more than willing to talk with me, and some asked me to e-mail the completed story! I had a wonderful time today

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My First Day

My first day at Journalism Camp was an absolute blast! I loved learning about how to blog and what got a reader's attention and what didn't. I enjoyed that Duane showed us "The Rapist Says He's Sorry" and explained how the author was even able to make you feel pity for a rapist and that the story wasn't necessarily about him, but the prison system. I'm glad that Duane explained how to ask questions by both composing good ones before the interview and how to use proper body language. Overall, I loved Journalism Camp and can't wait to see what else happens.

Story of Emma

This is Emma Williams. She’s a shy girl with an amazing story. A story of a dream and a wish. A story of obstacles and overcoming them. A story that could become a reality.

The first thing that strikes you about Emma is her quietness.However, after you meet and talk to her, Emma’s interest in photography and expertise in the area is a pleasant surprise. Her natural comfort with a camera is unique as well as her willingness to lead. The calm and inviting voice she possesses shows off her friendly attitude to those that wish to embrace it. Emma’s belief in the true beauty in life and importance of pioneering are admirable traits.

This is a story about a dream and the work and dedication to reach it. About a machine and its ability to capture beauty and replay for years to come. About a push of a button and the beginning of a career. About an aspiring photographer and the goals she sets. About nature and one girl’s love for it. And about an objective and the long, difficult journey of put-downs and negative support to bypass obstacles and achieve it.

Who is Emma Williams? If one was to ask this question to someone who had just met her, they might say, “Oh somebody,”. But to her friends and family, she is a girl with a creative mind and a passion to capture beauty through a camera. "Ever since I started taking pictures, I've seen the world through a whole new perspective," said Williams. She hosts dirty blonde hair and a positive attitude towards life. Her quiet lifestyle shows her constant thinking and insightful approach towards life.

It is easy to write off Emma as a regular schoolgirl, but then again, the easy way leaves many stones unturned. Emma’s first experience with a camera on vacation got her hooked on photography after seeing how beautiful nature was and how cool it was to preserve it via photograph instead of ignoring it. She enjoys photographing bright and lively colors, to create a light mood to a photograph.

Of course what makes Emma interesting is her avid interest in photojournalism while being a leader for the school paper as editor. Her enjoyment of both fields shows an interest in all of journalism and her ability to effectively carry out both positions, and her inspiration by web journalist pioneer Arianna Huffington shows her belief in strong journalists and what they practice.

Monday, July 23, 2012

What I Should Tell You

I am interested in learning about proper research for a story, but also in different interview techniques to get the best quotes from a subject. I sometimes struggle with finding a topic to write on, but I don't have trouble finding interview sources once I start my story. I would love to specialize in arts and entertainment, and one day, hope to work as a reporter for the Omaha World Herald.
 Music is a big part of my life and I practice multiple instruments.
I am also a bit of a DC Comics nerd.